HSS Sports Academy “Archery”

Welcome to HSS Sports Academy

HSS welcomes you to join the world of Archery. Archery is a sport that requires focus, strength, coordination and confidence. It is not physically demanding. Everybody can participate either competitively or recreationally. It is a perfect channel for children and young adults to release their energy in a proper manner. Both training program at HSS can actually help the participants at all ages to better concentrate their mind and relieve their stress. Many study cases have shown that Archery is great medium to enhance both the academic and professional performances. Come join us. There is always a spot reserved for you.


About us

HSS Sports Academy is a facility where we offer lessons for a variety of programs. Providing archery lessons, we teach discipline, respect, and focus of mind. It may help the students to use those characteristics in their future academic and career paths.

We are the only archery range/academy in Irvine, California. The director and the head coach of the academy in charge is the gold medalist of archery in the 1984 LA Olympics, Hyang Soon Seo.  Our goal is to give everyone the opportunity to step in the world of archery, and to show them how rewarding and fun it can be.

History of Archery

The bow seems to have been invented in the later Paleolithic or early Mesolithic periods. The oldest signs of its use in Europe come from the Stellmoor (de) in the Ahrensburg valley (de) north of Hamburg, Germany and dates from the late Paleolithic, about 10,000–9000 BC. The arrows were made of pine and consisted of a main shaft and a 15–20 centimeters (5.9–7.9 inches) long fore shaft with a flint point. There are no definite earlier bows; previous pointed shafts are known, but may have been launched by spear-throwers rather than bows. The oldest bows known so far come from the Holmegård swamp in Denmark. Bows eventually replaced the spear-thrower as the predominant means for launching shafted projectiles, on every continent except Australasia, though spear-throwers persisted alongside the bow in parts of the Americas, notably Mexico and among the Inuit.

Bows and arrows have been present in Egyptian culture since its predynastic origins. In the Levant, artifacts that could be arrow-shaft straighteners are known from the Natufian culture, (c. 12,800–10,300 BP (before present)) onwards. The Khiamian and PPN A shouldered Khiam-points may well be arrowheads.

Classical civilizations, notably the Assyrians, Armenians, Persians, Parthians, Indians, Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese fielded large numbers of archers in their armies. The Welsh longbow proved its worth for the first time in Continental warfare at the Battle of Crécy. In the Americas archery was widespread at European contact.

Archery was highly developed in Asia. The Sanskrit term for archery, dhanurveda, came to refer to martial arts in general. In East Asia, Goguryeo, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea was well known for its regiments of exceptionally skilled archers.

"Reference from Wikipedia"